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Everything you need to know about LinkedIn, the largest professional network: who is using it, how effective it is, and what statistics marketers should focus their attention on.

Discover the most important and relevant facts about LinkedIn.

Last updated: December 2022.

Linkedin HQ for DSMN8

The Company

HQ Address: Sunnyvale, California

CEO: Ryan Roslansky (Since 2020)

Number of Employees: 26,000+

Founded: 2002


LinkedIn Users

LinkedIn Advertising

Interesting Facts About LinkedIn

  • 41% of millionaires use LinkedIn (Omnicore, 2018)

  • LinkedIn is the #1 channel B2B marketers use to distribute content at 94%. (LinkedIn)

  • The Average CEO has 930 Connections (LinkedIn Pulse)

  • Ian Bremmer is stated as the most influential user on LinkedIn (Ian Bremmer)

  • Microsoft Acquired LinkedIn for $26 Billion.

  • A total of 39% of LinkedIn users pay for LinkedIn Premium (Kinsta, 2018)

  • Over 20,000 companies in the US use LinkedIn to recruit employees (LinkedIn, 2018)