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Crying gif


You’ve done your homework.

You’ve read every article.

And you’ve researched every brand going.

The brands that get hundreds of comments on every post.

The ones that get so much engagement.

So much success.

You know the ones.

They make it seem effortless 🤷‍♂️

But brilliant.

You notice a theme in their content.

The posts that keep raking in the likes.

The posts that are getting hundreds of comments.

They’re all written in that style.

They’re that sort of length.

They all mention that trend.

this is it gif


…it’s THAT kind of content! 💡

You’ve cracked it! 💥

Everything you’ve read about LinkedIn’s algorithm.

It’s this.

It’s exactly this.

This content.

This style of writing.

It’s the master formula to crack the algorithm 🤯

So now you’ve written a few drafts of your own.

Just to test the waters.

Can I write like that?

Does this come across well when I write it?

Of course you can.

And of course it does.

You can do anything.

You’ve got this 👊

You send them to your seniors for sign off.

You’ve seen hundreds of posts like this, you say.

All of the big brands are doing it.

And they’re getting loads of engagement.

You’ve made your case.

And your seniors love them.

So now you send them to a few colleagues.

“Ha! When’s that one going live?”

You feel like the talk of the town.

YOU are a content GENIUS.

And then boom.

It changes.

This just in – the algorithm hates those kinds of posts.

“But those articles I read.”

Oh snap, you read those articles?

Check the dates.

Those articles are like two weeks old.

That algorithm hack is so last month.

Crying gif

Okay, I’ll level with you.

The algorithm changes aren’t THAT drastic, nor THAT frequent.

But it does feel like as soon as one thing starts to gain traction.

LinkedIn pulls a u-turn and stops ranking those posts.

And if LinkedIn doesn’t, users start to turn their backs on trend-hoppers 👇

“A man walked into my office. 

He had come for an interview.

He was late.

I asked him ‘why are you late?’

He wiped away a tear.

And he told he’d just wrestled a bear in order to sav-“

I’m going to stop you right there 🤚

What worked on LinkedIn yesterday might not work today 🤦‍♂️

And yet, it’s hard to get mad at LinkedIn.

They have a job to do.

They need to keep users coming back to the platform.

And frankly, I get it 🤷‍♂️

If everyone started posting the same thing.

In the same style.

Everyone’s feed would be similar

And every post would be the same.

People would get bored.

And in turn, stop coming back to LinkedIn.

fair enough gif

Now, just because we understand it…

Doesn’t mean we won’t try to work around it 😉

As marketers, social media managers, content creators, etc.

We know one thing about LinkedIn’s algorithm.

It’s following the example set by other major social media platforms.

And it seems this has always been the case.

But nonetheless, here it is:

LinkedIn’s algorithm doesn’t prioritize posts from company pages.

*Gasps sarcastically*

So, no matter how hard we try to work the algorithm in our favor.

We are starting on the back foot the second we choose to post from our company page 🤦‍♂️

I’m not here to rub salt in the wounds, or to merely state the obvious.

I’m here to offer a solution.

A solution of sorts, anyway.

An algorithm workaround 🙌

Now, I can’t promise LinkedIn won’t change the algorithm at a moment’s notice.

Causing me to rush and delete this post and pretend I never said anything.

But what I’m suggesting is this:

Stop putting all your eggs in one basket.

Stop banking on your company page to get the word out.

And start encouraging your employees to do the talking.

It’s time to put the social back into social networks 💪

yes we can gif

How and why?

The “Why” is simple – People trust people.

People are 92% more likely to trust recommendations from someone they know (their connections) over any form of branded content.

Plus, people follow people, not brands.

So it’s no wonder that messages shared by employees reach 561x further than the same messages shared by brand accounts.

Employees bring the engagement through their followers…

By growing their own personal brands.

Driving better traffic to your site that feels authentic and demonstrates employee empowerment.

Even brands that haven’t adopted employee advocacy will notice the impact.

On average, just 3% of employees share content about their organization.

And yet that 3% is responsible for driving a 30% increase in engagement.

Your employees are already talking about your company on social.

They’re already packing a punch.

So, why would you not leverage this?

The “how” is just as simple.

Give them the tools.

Educate them on the employee benefits.

And then incentivize the process.

Employee advocacy starts with employee empowerment 💪

It’s a two-way street, with benefits for the company and the employee alike.

Communicate the benefits, and help them understand HOW and WHY they should build their personal brands on LinkedIn.

We have a bunch of articles on personal branding if you want to make a start!

Next – the tools.

DSMN8’s employee advocacy tool centralizes the latest relevant company content from all of your online sources.

Admin users can curate each post.

They can add multiple titles.

Multiple images.

And multiple captions so that no two posts look the same.

Employees then simply sign up, connect their LinkedIn, and voila, they’re good to go! 🚀

Incentivization is the part that makes the process fun.

It also makes your more motivated employees even more likely to share.

While helping you get that “I don’t have the time” bunch involved too.

After all, who isn’t drawn in by the competitive nature of winning?

And who can say no to prizes? 🏆

Leaderboards show top sharers.

Please, we can even help automate the process for those seriously low on time!

Personal analytics show each employee exactly what impact they’ve had.

Company analytics allow YOU to see the impact the whole thing is having.

And company-wide announcements allow you to publicly recognize those top sharers.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention…

Giving them the tools to share just got a whole lot easier.

Ready to get started with employee advocacy?

But not sure if you’re ready for a platform?

Schedule a call with one of the team.

Prefer to cut to the chase and explore DSMN8?

Roger that!

Book your demo.


Lewis Gray

Senior Marketing Manager and Employee Advocacy Program Manager at DSMN8. Lewis specialises in content strategy, growing brand visibility and generating inbound leads. His background in Sales lends itself well to demand generation in the B2B niche.