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The Employee Advocacy & Influence Podcast 🎧

Organizations all over the world in every sector are driving strategic competitive advantage by scaling the impact of their employees' voices… and now YOU can too!

The Employee Advocacy & Influence Podcast - DSMN8 Website Assets

Join us as we delve beyond the why and get straight to the how so you can put employee-driven growth at the heart of your organization. Hosted by Bradley Keenan, CEO, and Lewis Gray, Senior Marketing Manager.

Step 1: Pre-Launch

The fundamentals to get in place before starting your advocacy program.

“Does Employee Advocacy Look Like Spam Posting?”

In this special episode of our podcast, Lewis welcomes Emily Paige Jones, Director of Customer Success at DSMN8, as his special guest. Emily, being DSMN8’s latest recruit, brings forth an important question about a misconception that she’s eager to debunk – “Does employee advocacy look like spam posting?” Lewis navigates unravels the reasons why, with the right technology, the same content can be shared multiple times by hundreds or thousands of people and look unique every time. Learn how this approach can help companies avoid the appearance of spam posting while maintaining authenticity.

Debunked: Does Internal Engagement Inflate Performance Numbers?

Bradley and Lewis explore an important question raised by a member of The Employee Advocacy Certification’s Alumni Network. Together, they navigate through the question and debunk the idea that employee advocacy programs inadvertently inflate performance numbers through internal engagement.

How to Sell Employee Advocacy to Your CFO

In this episode of the podcast, Bradley and Lewis discuss tips to get sign-off from your CFO to launch an employee advocacy program. They touch on statistics that highlight the impact that employee advocacy has and how an employee advocacy tool can save your company money. All valuable information to take to your CFO!

Manual Employee Advocacy to a Formal Program

In this episode, Bradley and Lewis discuss how to step up from manual employee advocacy to a formal program, and the issues that may occur when you rely on manual employee advocacy.

3 Challenges of Employee Advocacy in Law Firms

In this special workshop-style episode, Lewis invites special guest Shannon Loveridge to lend her insights on the law and legal industry and why employee advocacy is a crucial tool that should be utilized in this industry. Shannon highlights the challenges that come with employee advocacy in law firms and how to overcome them.

How Regulated Industries are Leveraging Employee Advocacy

In this episode, Bradley discusses the common misconception that employee advocacy can’t work for companies within regulated industries, and outlines the features and processes needed to make it a success, no matter which industry you’re in.

What Makes an Enterprise Employee Advocacy Program?

In this episode, find out what enterprises need to consider when choosing an employee advocacy platform. Plus, find out how to distribute your content in a smart way, and learn our tips for managing an enterprise employee advocacy program!

Why Some Employee Advocacy Integrations Are Problematic

In this episode of the podcast, Bradley discusses the challenges of integrating employee advocacy platforms with your wider tech stack and outlines why integrations are not always necessary.

We discuss the challenge with employee advocacy integrations, why integrations aren’t always necessary, the difference between integrations and using a dedicated platform, AND why integrations can be problematic.

The Common Misconception with Employee Advocacy

Think all employee advocacy programs are just people sharing the same message over and over again? Or that you can spot an initiative a mile off when people are sharing the exact same thing? Well, GOOD employee advocacy really isn’t this and the assumption shouldn’t be that all employee advocacy programs follow the same strategy.

In this episode, we discuss: why seeing bad implementations of other people’s attempts shouldn’t stop you, what you need to do when running an EA program, a key component that all the best programs have, and explain what the perfect execution of employee advocacy is.

Does Employee Advocacy Work for B2C?

Employee advocacy works incredibly well for B2B companies, but can it be successful for a B2C business? Which social networks are right for B2C employee advocacy? Consider taking a different approach to advocacy: maybe it’s time to open up your advocacy program to consumers too!

In this episode, we discuss; the social media spectrum; the difference between B2B and B2C advocacy programs; the importance of keeping advocacy programs exciting AND the #1 question you should ask YOURSELF before you ask your employees to post to their own social media.

Employee Advocacy Is Your New Career Launch Pad

Sliding door moments… Say hello to your new career launch pad! In this episode, we look at how employee advocacy can be a career launch pad.

We talk about the network effect of employee advocacy, its purpose, how to increase impact by 300%, provide a career differentiator AND how to build your personal business case!

THIS is Your Secret Weapon in a Recession!

When times get tough, it’s even more important to assess what is and isn’t working for your organization. BUT how do you avoid going silent and continue to communicate regularly with your target audience in the most cost-effective way?

Well, it starts with your employees – the people already closest to your business AND moving the needle is easier than you may think!

In this episode,  we talk about what 60% of podcasts never do! We’ll cover; the cheapest and most efficient way for your brand to communicate, how Content AND Culture are the TWO main ingredients for success, how you don’t need to overestimate the amount of content and employees needed in your program AND what the results YOU can expect to generate from employee advocacy will be!

Are Internal Comms and Employee Advocacy the Same Thing?

How does internal communications impact employee advocacy? Are they the same thing?

In this episode, we talk how employee advocacy forms an internal communication function. We’ll cover: what we found from analyzing over 1,000 social media posts from employees, how to utilize your existing internal comms tools for even greater impact, why you should ask yourself this ONE question and what the dream scenario of employee advocacy really is!

Do This Before Launching!

We’re starting at the start, well, before the start! In this episode, we talk about the things you need to do way ahead of choosing a technology partner in order to run a successful employee advocacy program.

We’ll cover: choosing a program manager, defining what advocacy-ready content actually means, what success will look like AND finally, the most important thing that you MUST do before launching an employee advocacy program.

Step 2: Launch

Setting up your employee advocacy program for success.

How to Build a Social Media Posting Habit

In this episode, Lewis brings in a special guest: April Jones, Account Executive at DSMN8. April specializes in helping companies launch and streamline their advocacy programs, so we couldn’t think of a better place to garner some fresh insights.

April picks Lewis’s brain for his best practices on maximizing employee participation in advocacy programs and asks him about the benefits employees will receive from participating.

Lewis dives into the importance of establishing a strong brand presence for employees and shares insights on effectively communicating these benefits across all levels of an organization. But that’s not all—Lewis also dishes out the latest tips and tricks to help employees create a habit of posting on social media.

Employee Advocacy Masterclass with Dropbox

In this special episode, find out how Dropbox approached the first 30 days of launching an employee advocacy program with actionable tips to help you improve your E.A. game!

Whether your organization is a first-timer or you’re looking to give your existing initiative a boost, Katherine Keenan, Dropbox’s Head of Talent Brand Programs runs through the top tips to help you succeed.

Why You SHOULD Limit Employee Advocacy

Counter-intuitive? Maybe. Maybe not. Hear us out as there is a logic to our madness of why you SHOULD limit your employee advocacy.

In this episode, we talk about the four types of employees, what wise program leaders do, what we advise clients to limit daily shares to, the content economics of employee advocacy AND explain what the MOST important thing to remember is!

Why Salespeople Have The Most Vested Interest In Your Advocacy Program

Content tumbleweeds…. Are you creating loads of content that nobody shares? Worse. Your Sales team don’t see the value? In this episode, we discuss how you can effectively onboard your sales team to your advocacy program.

We talk about how salespeople have the most vested interest, the easiest way to get salespeople onboard, what to do BEFORE you carry out any employee advocacy training, an absolute MUST to include AND the steps to follow to effectively onboard your salespeople.

The Pyramid of Employee Influence

What is the Pyramid of Employee Influence? Find out how it can help you decide which employees to include in an advocacy program. Do you really need 100% of your employees engaged in advocacy for it be successful?

Don’t Force Employee Advocacy + Exciting Announcement!

Exciting announcement: we’ve got a book coming out! In the next 4 episodes of the Employee Advocacy & Influence podcast, our CEO Bradley Keenan will share some of the best Employee Advocacy tips, chosen from the book at random!

In this episode, find out how to encourage employee advocacy program sign-ups, and why you shouldn’t force it.

Creating Your Ideal Advocate Profile

Bradley and Lewis host another workshop-style episode. Bradley explains how to create ideal advocate profiles for your employee advocacy program strategy. Lewis offers insights on how he would create a profile using the template Brad provides. They highlight the importance of having ideal advocate profiles and how this can lead to a successful employee advocacy program.

Debunked: Employee Advocacy is JUST for Marketing

In this episode of the podcast, Bradley and Lewis debunk the idea that employee advocacy programs solely benefit marketing teams. They highlight that although an employee advocacy tool is perceived as being a marketing function, it can have an equally significant impact on other departments in a business, such as sales and employer branding teams.

“Quick Wins” Are Detrimental to Employee Advocacy Success

In this episode, Bradley and Lewis highlight why an employee advocacy program won’t work if you only focus on achieving quick wins. They expand on the importance of putting together a great launch strategy that focuses on social media training to ensure continued use of your employee advocacy tool.

The 4 Ideal Advocate Profiles

In this unique episode of the podcast, Bradley hosts a workshop-style episode with Lewis and explains the four types of ideal advocates for an employee advocacy program. Lewis expands on this and offers valuable insight from his experiences dealing with these four personas. They touch on the challenges and motivations of each persona, and why these personas are perfect for an employee advocacy program.

Huge News! ‘Employee Advocacy: 101 Cheat Codes’ Book

In this unique episode of the podcast, Bradley hosts a workshop-style episode with Lewis and explains the four types of ideal advocates for an employee advocacy program. Lewis expands on this and offers valuable insight from his experiences dealing with these four personas. They touch on the challenges and motivations of each persona, and why these personas are perfect for an employee advocacy program.

The Best Content Strategy for Employee Advocacy Success

In this episode, Bradley and Lewis discuss the two most common objectives of employee advocacy and the content strategies you’ll want to deploy to achieve them.

Plus, Lewis explains the “Holy Trinity” of content types you’ll need to include to generate the best results from your employee advocacy program.

5 Essentials for Employee Advocacy Success with Elliot Elsley

In this special episode, join Lewis Gray, Senior Marketing Manager at DSMN8, as he speaks with Elliot Elsley, Director of Customer Success at DSMN8.

Get ready to unlock the secrets to a thriving employee advocacy program as Elliot spills the beans on FIVE game-changing tips.

Discover why these tips are your golden ticket to success and turbocharge your employee advocacy efforts!

How to Create an ‘Employee-Ready’ Social Media Policy

This is how to make your social media policy ‘employee-ready’!

In this episode, we talk about how you can evolve from a “Do Not Post on Social Media” strategy to a “Post on Social Media” strategy with your employees. We’ll cover: what 55% of Employees have NO idea about, what your Employee-Ready Social Media Policy MUST include, how to support your Employee Advocates, AND finally, provide you with a Checklist for Employee Success!

How to Turn Your CEO Into a Social Media Superstar

We get asked this question all the time!

In this episode, we talk about how you can get your CEO to post on social media. We’ll cover; what to do if your CEO doesn’t get social, how you can show the value, how to build a business case for employee advocacy, AND finally, introduce you to the Social CEO Framework which features the steps you can take right away and take your C-Level Executives from social zero’s to social heroes!

How To Master User Adoption With Your Employee Advocacy Program

Mastering user engagement is the key to success for your employee advocacy program. BUT, how do you ensure this?

In this episode, we talk about how to master user adoption with your employee advocacy program. We’ll cover; HOW to lead from the front, the benefits of creating a feedback loop, harnessing the POWER of new recruits, AND finally, how you can re-engage lapsed users.

The Great Employee Advocacy Debate: Should You Reward Employees?

Should employees be rewarded for participating in your company’s employee advocacy program?

As with most things in business, the answer is: it depends. In this episode, we discuss gamification, how it can impact your program, and whether or not employees should be rewarded for participating. We’ll cover; the downsides and how gamification can go wrong, how to decide if gamification will be right for YOUR organization, using leaderboards versus rewards, and, most importantly, how to get gamification right!

The 3 C’s of Employee Advocacy

In this episode, we talk about the 3 C’s of Employee Advocacy – content, culture and coordination. We’ll cover: the content that will make your employee advocacy take off, how to power your employee advocacy program with free content, the ultimate hack to finding talent for your organization, the number one ingredient to employee advocacy success, and finally, how to find existing influencers in your organization.

Step 3: Post-Launch

Driving results and demonstrating ROI with your advocacy program.

Huge News! The Employee Advocacy Certification Launch

Bradley and Lewis are back with a bang to officially announce the launch of The Employee Advocacy Certification. In this exclusive episode, Lewis delivers insights and gives you a sneak peek into the course’s offerings. Meanwhile, Brad delves into a module that explores measuring and defining success from an employee advocacy program.

What LinkedIn’s Algorithm Changes Mean for Employee Advocacy [Part 1]

In this special two-part episode of the podcast, Bradley and Lewis discuss LinkedIn’s recent algorithm changes, and how they impact employee advocacy. In part one, Bradley & Lewis break down the changes to LinkedIn’s algorithm and offer their key takeaways from the recent updates. In part two, Lewis & Bradley host a workshop in writing great social media posts for employee advocacy, and Lewis explains DSMN8’s PACKD analogy for writing better posts.

What LinkedIn’s Algorithm Changes Mean for Employee Advocacy [Part 2]

In this special two-part episode of the podcast, Bradley and Lewis discuss LinkedIn’s recent algorithm changes, and how they impact employee advocacy. In part two, Lewis & Bradley host a workshop in writing great social media posts for employee advocacy, and Lewis explains DSMN8’s PACKD analogy for writing better posts.

3 Quick Wins for Employee Advocacy

In this episode, Bradley and Lewis highlight quick wins that can help elevate your employee advocacy platform. They highlight the wins that may seem obvious, but that a lot of program leaders overlook. They discuss how to implement these wins and the immediate difference it will make to your employee advocacy program.

How to Use Employee Advocacy for Content Idea Generation

In this episode of the podcast, Bradley and Lewis discuss how to use employee advocacy for content idea generation. They highlight the importance of employees being active on social and why social activity and employee advocacy should be treated as one combined activity.

The 3 Enemies of Employee Advocacy

In this episode, Bradley and Lewis discuss what they consider to be the three most common/problematic roadblocks (or “enemies”) of an employee advocacy program.

The Key To Community Building

In this episode, find out why consistency is the key to employee advocacy community building.

What does employee advocacy consistency look like? Find out how to build your EA community and consistently provide content for employees to share.

Test, Listen & Learn – Create Your Feedback Loop

The importance of a Test, Listen & Learn approach and creating feedback loops to guide your employee advocacy success.

In this episode, we discuss, why an authentic tone of voice is a must, would your employees share content, how to tell if employee shares resonate with audiences, the dark social impact of employee advocacy AND how to create employee advocate feedback loops.

The Power of Scheduling Content

When life gets in the way, posting to social media falls by the wayside. Scheduling content and keeping your content “evergreen” are your secret weapons to keep your employees’ social media presence consistent.

The Anatomy of The Perfect Social Media Post

You’re interrupting people’s day – so, you better make it worth their while if you want employee advocacy success! A well thought out, and structured post caption can be the difference between impact for your social content and failure. THIS is how to get it right and hit your goals.

How to Onboard New Users To Your Advocacy Program

This is the single BIGGEST piece of advice for onboarding new users to your advocacy program. In this episode, we talk about the mistakes we’ve seen made when launching an employee advocacy program, and how you can ensure success when it comes to getting employees to join your program and maintaining engagement.

It’s Time To Re-Boot Your Employee Advocacy Program

Unhappy with the results of your employee advocacy program? Inherited an employee advocacy program but disappointed with employee engagement? Well, there are times where a program just needs a re-boot to take results to the next level.

We talk about why you need to establish what went wrong the first time, how to create your new game plan, plus the importance of identifying and communicating your employee value proposition.

The REALLY Simple Employee-Generated Content Framework

Want to encourage employees to become content creators?

In this episode, we talk about how to get more employees to submit content to you. We’ll cover: why creating B2B social that doesn’t suck is difficult, what you can do to help your B2B social presence, the one thing you have to accept, what many get so wrong, AND finally, introduce you to the REALLY simple employee-generated content framework that will get more of your employees submitting content to you today!

Social Selling: Employee Advocacy’s Secret Weapon

Social selling is every salesperson’s greatest asset, and it’s employee advocacy’s secret weapon!

In this episode, we talk about how your social selling efforts can be taken to the next level with an employee advocacy platform. We’ll cover: how to become that go-to person in your industry, why you should embrace employee advocacy as part of your sales process, how to get your sales leaders on board, how employee advocacy becomes effortless lead nurturing at scale, AND, finally, why social selling with employee advocacy is here to stay.

The BIGGEST Employee Advocacy Blunder!

This has to be the number 1 employee advocacy blunder we see!

In this episode, we talk about the biggest blunder employee advocacy programs make. We’ll cover; what you need for Employee Advocacy success, the power of dynamic content, how time-effective distribution can equal continued program value, AND finally, what the true aim of good employee advocacy should be.

Your Hosts 🎙

Bradley Keenan

Co-Founder and CEO of DSMN8.

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Lewis Gray

Senior Marketing Manager at DSMN8.

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