Turning employees into social media influencers with over $109,378 of impact!

An employee advocacy program that generated 8x ROI and created a positive shift in company culture. All while increasing brand awareness, website traffic and conversions.

Unit4 Logo DSMN8 Client




Utrecht, Netherlands


Software Development

Company Size

3,700 employees

Summary 👇

An ROI of 8x plus increased brand awareness, website traffic and conversions.

All while driving a positive change in company culture?

It was all possible by leveraging Unit4’s greatest asset… their employees!

Most of Unit4’s employees already had a social media account on LinkedIn and/or Twitter. We knew they were connected to the people most critical to the organization: customers, prospects, partners and potential employees.

The key was to get those inactive employees actively sharing content to leverage their professional social media networks.

With DSMN8, Unit4 encouraged employees to start social sharing and build their personal brands, while also promoting the organization.

A win-win for both parties!

The People 👋

Unit4 is a global organization that provides cloud-based enterprise software, from Human Resources to Financial Planning and Analysis.

Recognized for People Excellence, Unit4 was the perfect fit for an employee advocacy program. According to their company values: “We put people first and everything else follows.”

After seeing the way they empowered employees to become influencers, I can’t agree more!

The Challenge? 🤔

As communication, networking and business moves to an ever more digital and remote working world, Unit4 knew its employees would be central to navigating these changes and ensuring business success.

Building a personal brand enables employees to demonstrate industry knowledge and expertise, leveraging social selling and one-to-one relationships on social media. In turn, this increases organization awareness, sales opportunities and showcases company culture to attract talent.

It’s an approach that would drive efficiency and impact like no other.

Yet there was a problem… many employees were currently inactive across social media.

Unit4 needed to engage leadership, sales, marketing and recruitment teams to share company-related content.

Yet when they listened, they heard “I’m too busy”“I don’t know what to post” and “I don’t feel motivated to post company content”.

Key Fact: Organizations typically see just 2% of employees sharing and creating company-related content. An employee advocacy program can see this increase to over 30%.

Emma Keates - Global Head of Communications, Unit4

We can’t underestimate the impact of this initiative and technology on our business. It has fundamentally changed our culture and attitude. Employees are now empowered and enthusiastic, seeing their networks grow and having more conversations than ever before. All for the mutual benefit of their professional reputation and that of Unit4.

Emma KeatesGlobal Head of Communications

The Solution 💪

To solve this while maximizing scale and impact would require a whole new approach and technology solution.

After a thorough review of employee advocacy solutions, Unit4 selected DSMN8 for its advanced features and passionate team.

The evaluation focused on four essential requirements: relevancy, ease, motivation and analytics.

DSMN8 enables you to target content to each employee based on their interests, department, location or language.

This ensures a highly relevant, custom content feed for each individual employee and their specific tastes. There will always be something new and exciting for users to share with their networks.

Time is often a barrier to employees building personal brands and being active on channels like LinkedIn. So, we made it as easy as possible to find and share content. This is where DSMN8’s powerful automation features come in! 👇

Unit4 Case Study | DSMN8 Screenshot

Employees can opt-in to ‘auto-scheduling’ (automatic content sharing), based on set criteria they choose.

This feature shares content to employee LinkedIn profiles on their behalf, automatically scheduled to share when their network is most active.

Unit4 were able to eliminate the friction from time-poor employees saying they were ‘too busy’ to post: they could now maintain an active social media presence on autopilot.

Key Fact: 64% of Unit4 users are using DSMN8’s automation functionality.

DSMN8 mobile app screenshots

To help increase user adoption further, the DSMN8 platform features competitive leaderboards and a points-based gamification engine.

Showcasing the top performing employees helps motivate individuals to increase activity, grow their network and improve their impact even further.

DSMN8’s analytics suite allowed the team at Unit4 to monitor, learn and understand the true results from employee influence.

Metrics including active users, shares, clicks and content published were now trackable, alongside performance data such as reach, cost per click, clicks per share and comparative media spend.

With access to this data, Unit4 were able to compare employee social media activity against paid advertising or email campaigns, attributing an ROI directly to the program.

DSMN8 reporting analytics dashboard

Key Features Used:

Groups & Teams

Get the right content to the right employees.


Automatically share content at optimal times, based on chosen interests.

Analytics Suite

Monitor performance & demonstrate ROI.

Onboarding and rollout was critical to the initiative’s adoption and success.

Unit4 initially leveraged 100 employees from the extended leadership team, getting them to lead by example as advocates and promoters within their business units.

After this initial one week period, the program was opened to all 2,600 employees.

A tutorial video was created for employees logging into the platform, and a Q&A session organized to answer employee feedback and questions.

After two months, employees were reminded again about DSMN8 and the program via a company-wide presentation at their Sales Kick-Off, titled “say goodbye to ineffective social selling”.

The platform is easy to use and pick up, enabling me to build my network, have more conversations and identify more sales opportunities.

Neil GeorgesonGlobal Head of Business Development

The Impact? 👊

In just four months, 1,252 employees (48% of the organization) joined the program and started using DSMN8 regularly.

They shared a whopping 17,124 pieces of company-related content: a 171% increase prior to the initiative! On average, that’s 37 pieces per employee.

Over this time, employee activity generated the equivalent of $109,378 in comparative media spend. That is how much Unit4 would have had to pay to get the same results through paid advertising.

This resulted in 30,041 clicks on employee shares, 4,321 website visits and 41 website conversions, at just $0.44 per click.

That’s 92.7% less per click than what Unit4 typically pay to advertise on LinkedIn!


Cost per Click


Earned Media Value


Return on Investment

The employee advocacy program worked.

Educating employees about social selling and the importance of building a personal brand increased their confidence on social, inspiring previously inactive employees to become ‘social media influencers’.

Unit4 employees fully embraced the program and choice of technology partner, with 64% choosing to have content shared to their networks automatically through DSMN8.

Collectively, we successfully engaged the target audience of Unit4’s global leadership, extended leadership, sales, marketing and recruitment teams.

Senior stakeholders at Unit4 were so impressed with the program’s impact that they also invited over 200 external partners to join. The goal here was to further improve the communication and knowledge of Unit4 amongst vendors & consultants.

The program is now part of the organization’s DNA and included in the onboarding process for all new starters at Unit4.

Key Fact: Engaging new joiners as part of the broader company onboarding program increased active users by over 55%.

By using DSMN8, Unit4 benefited from employees seeing the latest company-related content available to share, improved internal communications and a solution to disseminate information in a way that employees find easy to use.

This initiative and DSMN8’s innovative technology enabled Unit4 to reach and communicate with audiences more effectively and measure impact like never before, all through the people who know the business best: their employees.

Savana ter Burg, Communications Manager -Unit4

This initiative has given employees who didn’t know-how, the knowledge, confidence and inspiration to become active social influencers.

Savana ter BurgCommunications Manager

Discover DSMN8

Watch the 90 second platform tour 👇

We help brands empower employees to curate, create and share on-brand content.

Your employees gain access to a desktop and mobile application where they can effortlessly share your content across social media, messaging, email and SMS.

Boost your organic reach while keeping employees up to date with company news and industry trends.

Ready to see how you could turn your employees into motivated social influencers like Unit4?

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