Frank Recruitment Group:
36,000+ website visits in 4 months
from employee advocacy

Developing recruitment consultants into industry thought leaders at scale and a significant new source of website traffic, without impacting workloads.

Frank Recruitment Group Logo DSMN8 Client


Frank Recruitment Group


Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK


Staffing and Recruiting

Company Size

2,000 employees

Summary 👇

Core to Frank Recruitment Group’s offering is the network of their recruitment consultants and the people-to-people connections that they establish and develop.

It was this area which FRG wanted to tap into at scale, providing further support for their consultants to build their personal brands and become thought leaders.

Launching an employee advocacy with DSMN8 provided this support for their consultants, while increasing brand awareness, conversions, and reaching 36,000 website visitors at a cost-per-click of £0.19…

All in just 4 months!

The People 👋

Frank Recruitment Group (FRG) is a global leader in resourcing for IT professionals. They’re passionate about helping great people find great jobs.

Since 2006, they have helped to connect businesses of all sizes with permanent and contract workers, from start-ups needing a single developer to international enterprise clients building a complete team in a new country.

With over 1,900 employees and 18 offices across Europe, the USA, Asia, and Australia, the group is made up of nine recruitment brands. The Group focuses primarily within the enterprise resource planning, client relationship management, big data, and cloud computing segments.

The Challenge 🤔

FRG realized that email was becoming less and less effective as a channel for communication with their growing number of consultants.

They were keen to identify a mobile-friendly, automated solution that simplified the process for employees while improving business results.

The Group were also aware that their strength was in the relationships of their consultants and were actively looking for a solution to amplify the impact of these people-to-people relationships at scale.

There was also a need for a solution that helped managed the intricacies faced by the recruitment industry as a whole: an above-average new joiner rate, employees moving between FRG brands, and employees leaving the company altogether. Integration with existing business practices would be essential.

The challenge was set.

How could FRG effectively launch an employee advocacy program across brands and markets with varying employee technical skillsets but one with a highly connected network?

Kashif Naqshbandi - CMO at Frank Recruitment

By automating the sharing of both our own content and interesting and relevant external content, DSMN8 has helped drive engagement and conversations while building our brands, and empowering our employees to become thought-leaders in the ecosystems they recruit for.

Kashif NaqshbandiChief Marketing Officer

The Solution 💪

FRG knew they needed a technology partner that could scale as their business continued to grow, while offering advanced functionality that would enable the program to deliver results and motivate employees.

After extensive research into leading employee advocacy platforms, they selected DSMN8 as their preferred partner.

FRG’s most important requirement was to a solution that would mitigate the challenges that come with with an ever-changing workforce. They needed a user-friendly platform with minimal effort required by their consultants to maintain.

Key Fact: Typically, less than 2% of employees share employer content across their social channels. Automation removes the need for staff to shift their focus from their key duties.

The key elements behind the success of the FRG employee influencer program:

1. Integration with existing business practices
2. Segmentation and automation
3. Internal marketing and ambassadors
4. A strategic approach to onboarding

1. Integrating with Existing Business Practices

FRG made the strategic decision to incentivize employees by offering LinkedIn Recruiter licenses for consultants who used DSMN8 and it’s built-in automation features.

Seen as one of the critical tools in a recruiters toolkit, LinkedIn Recruiter enables consultants to find, connect with, and manage candidates. This streamlines the recruitment process by surfacing high-quality candidates and signals of those most open to connecting.

FRG instantly saw the benefits DSMN8 provided in amplifying the profiles of their team consistently without impacting workload. This allowed their consultants to focus on key candidates, actions and deal conversions.

Key Fact: Integrating an employee advocacy program with existing business processes and goals can improve user adoption by over 30%.

DSMN8 Dynamic Display Multiple Social Media Captions Feature
DSMN8's Automation Function

2. Segmentation and Automation

DSMN8’s built-in automation and segmentation capabilities were critical to the FRG program. The proprietary technology makes it easy to filter, tag and segment content by language, location, and interests. This ensures that only the most relevant content to each employee appears in the feed.

Employees can also choose to opt-in to automatic posting, by setting defined parameters about what content can and can’t be shared automatically to their accounts and at what frequency.

This allows the organization to curate and serve relevant content specific to each brand and employee’s needs, while reducing the effort required from employees.

Key Fact: 90% of FRG users are using DSMN8’s automation functionality.

Frank Recruitment Case Study | DSMN8 Screenshot 2

3. Internal Marketing and Ambassadors

FRG have taken a best practice approach to an employee advocacy program by structuring program management from the very start.

The program is managed in-house by a program manager and 2 brand-specific executives who work to champion the program internally, encourage user adoption, showcase best practice and ensure content consistency and performance.

The program is well-publicized and marketed internally throughout the groups’ 18 locations to raise further awareness of the benefits of DSMN8. They use tactics such as posters, emailers, and program performance updates.

The company is also looking to introduce ambassadors across departments to help support any additional queries or those employees who may be a little less tech-savvy.

This thorough approach has paid dividends for the FRG, who have experienced a significant impact on business results from the program.

Key Fact: Organizations typically see just 2% of employees sharing and creating company-related content. Introducing an employee advocacy program can see this increase to over 30%.

4. Strategic Approach to Onboarding

One of the critical elements of the FRG strategy was to ensure program flexibility when it comes to the specific intricacies of the business.

The DSMN8 platform enabled the company to adapt to 3 specific employee groups identified:


New Starters

Built into the FRG onboarding program, employees receive training and a registration link in their ‘new joiner’ materials. They also receive DSMN8’s built-in welcome email, comprehensive induction and training sessions.

Brand Movers

FRG’s consultants regularly move between brands and departments, so it was essential for the program to have the flexibility to update employee profiles, switch content tags and segment users at ease. The DSMN8 platform’s advanced content tagging system ensures that employee news feeds are relevant at all times, enabling each consultant to see what’s of most interest to them based on language, location, brand, and interests.

Company Leavers

The recruitment industry regularly sees some of the highest new joiner and leaver rates around. It was therefore critical that FRG could update user controls easily. With DSMN8, the company can exclude individual employees, groups, or brands from automation at the flick of a switch as well as download user lists via csv to quickly provide or remove employee access to the program.

Key Fact: Engaging new joiners as part of the broader company onboarding program increased active users by over 55%.

The FRG program focuses on key localized and industry-specific content, pulling from sources including their company website, blog, press, and industry news. Some of the most engaging content includes how-to guides, salary surveys and research reports, both gated and non-gated.

Key Features Used:

Groups & Teams

Get the right content to the right employees.

Invites System

Easily invite advocates in bulk and send reminders.


Automatically share content at optimal times, based on chosen interests.

The Impact 👊

The DSMN8 platform has been systematically rolled out across multiple markets and all nine of FRG brands. In just four months, FRG is proud to not only have achieved key business metrics, such as website traffic and conversions but also supported consultants in becoming industry thought leaders.

Integrating DSMN8 into broader business processes has multiplied the impact of consultants’ activity and performance. There has been positive adoption throughout the company, with employees now motivated to get even more exposure and engagement from their content.

Reach, engagement, connections, and conversions have increased considerably across platforms, particularly LinkedIn.

Consultants are also now more aware of the key messaging and content the company produces. DSMN8 has made it easy for FRG to communicate with employees, and the return on investment surpassed the organizations’ initial expectations.

With 56% of all employees now using the platform, FRG has tapped into the power of employee thought leaders to help grow its business.


Cost per Click


Shares per content


Website clicks

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We help brands empower employees to curate, create and share on-brand content.

Your employees gain access to a desktop and mobile application where they can effortlessly share your content across social media, messaging, email and SMS.

Boost your organic reach while keeping employees up to date with company news and industry trends.

Ready to see how you could turn your employees into motivated social influencers like Frank Recruitment Group?

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