Greyp Bikes:
Empowering employees to
become thought leaders

ROI achieved within one month of launching Greyp's employee advocacy program. Plus, over $23,490 in media value generated from just 55 users in only 5 months!

Greyp Logo


Greyp Bikes


Sveta Nedelja, Croatia


Motor Vehicle Manufacturing

Company Size

<100 employees

Summary 👇

Greyp empowered their employees to demonstrate thought leadership on social media, helping to attract top talent, and increasing brand awareness and website traffic.

ROI was achieved after just one month of using DSMN8. In 5 months, over $23,490 in comparative media spend was generated from just 55 users.

This was all made possible when Greyp decided to leverage a previously untapped audience for the company – their employees’ networks.

We knew that Greyp employees were connected to the people most critical to the organization; customers, thought leaders, and potential employees.

Getting them to share on-brand content would be the most authentic and cost-effective way of getting in front of these people.

The People 👋

We LOVE this brand! 🧡

Greyp Bikes are creating the world’s first fully connected e-bikes. The company designs, engineers and produces high-end electric bicycles with amazing performance and a unique blend of AI, data gathering and augmented reality.

As a sister company of Rimac Automobili, they are setting the standards for e-bike batteries producing some of the strongest on the market and are the industry leaders in smart IoT bike solutions.

Greyp connects technology and mobility in their whole range of e-bikes.

The challenge? 🤔

The tech team plays an integral role at Greyp, and the battle to attract top talent in this industry rages on!

Greyp realized early that in order to cement themselves as an authority in this space, they would need their current workforce to demonstrate thought leadership by sharing Greyp’s latest news and innovations.

With an awesome brand having already taken shape, building awareness and familiarity with the brand were just as important for the folks at Greyp.

Their brand screams authenticity, so they knew they wanted to do all of this in the most natural way possible. All while demonstrating operational transparency in the process.

It would be a win-win 🏆

The challenge itself would be activating an otherwise underutilized asset for marketing – their current employees – on social media.

While the marketers were already onboard with the importance of social, tech teams and leadership are traditionally not as active online.

How would they get employees more active on social and ensure continued participation in this new initiative?

KREŠIMIR HLEDE Greyp Bikes DSMN8 Case Study

Working in a leadership position I understand the importance of having a presence on social media for the benefit of the organization, but time is often the major challenge. DSMN8 has made it easy for me to stay on top of this in a totally time-effective way.

Krešimir HledeChief Operating Officer

The Solution 💪

To get employees sharing more, Greyp realized that they would need to make their content both accessible and easy to share.

After realizing that the task would require a technology solution, Greyp began weighing up employee advocacy platforms and, after some thorough research, decided DSMN8 would be the perfect solution.

Their choice came down to three essential requirements:

  • Ease of use
  • Analytics
  • The ability to incentivize participation

DSMN8 allows you to target content to each employee based on interests, department, location or language.

Meaning that employees would not only have a custom content feed that is both accessible and relevant, but also they would be able to seamlessly share the latest and most relevant content to them and their networks.

Ease of use? Check! 👌

From our early conversations with the folks at Greyp, we realized that motivating employees to share would take more than just a verbal prompt.

After all, tech teams don’t typically value social media the way sales and marketing teams do. Incentives would be needed if this was really going to really take off.

Step in DSMN8’s built-in gamification engine!

DSMN8’s gamification features allow you to create leaderboards that showcase your top-performing employees.

You can choose to award leaderboard points for things like clicks, shares, and even for liking the latest company post on your company page!

But the buck doesn’t stop there 🙅

It can be easy to feel like a small fish in a big pond, so to ensure everyone feels they have a fair chance of winning, you can segment your leaderboards by region and even department. Helping to keep things competitive, motivated, and above all else – fun!

From the very beginning, gamification played a huge role in the success of Greyp’s employee advocacy program.

Fact: DSMN8 users have been able to triple adoption rates by incorporating gamification.

DSMN8 - Greyp Case Study - Gamification Screenshot
DSMN8 reporting analytics dashboard

It was just as important for Greyp to be able to monitor and measure the impact of all of this activity. Doing so would require DSMN8’s analytics dashboard, which allowed them to see the numbers in real-time. This allowed the Greyp team to understand and learn from the results of their employees’ efforts.

Performance data such as reach, cost per click, clicks per share and comparative media spend allowed the company to measure the monetary success of the initiative. Metrics like active users, shares, and clicks allowed them to monitor and tweak their strategy based on their employees’ sharing habits.

The analytics suite would be essential in attributing an ROI directly to this program, as Greyp could now compare employee advocacy against the cost and impact of traditional advertising methods.

Fact: The average number of clicks per share among Greyp employees was 13.8.

Setup and implementation of the DSMN8 tool were also critical to the success of the program.

Greyp knew what was possible, and they wanted a hassle-free launch. After initially selecting our self-service package, the Greyp team got the account set up and were actively inviting users within 24 hours ⏰

After the first month, Greyp set a goal of getting 55 employees signed up and actively using the platform, and within just three months, they had achieved precisely this.

The impact? 👊

In just 24 hours, Greyp were able to set up their employee advocacy and begin a company-wide rollout. Then, within just one month, they had returned the whole cost of their investment through their employees’ activity.

Five months since, Greyp employees have generated the equivalent impact of $23,490 in media spend. That’s 6,907 clicks from employees’ shares and a new combined audience size of 193,738 people.

Not to mention the CPC of just $0.65…

That’s around 90% cheaper than LinkedIn ads in the Croatian market!

Key Features Used:

Groups & Teams

Get the right content to the right employees.


Encourage participation with competitive leaderboards, recognition and rewards.

Analytics Suite

Monitor performance & demonstrate ROI.

Using DSMN8, the Greyp team also benefited from employees sharing less customer-focused content that the brands’ company pages might not have shared.

From award wins to promoting reviews of their tech, all of this helps to cement them as industry leaders in the most authentic way.

Doing so also meant getting the company name in front of top talent, shared by the people who live and breathe Greyp, day in and day out – their employees.

The program also improved internal communications by making it easy for Greyp employees to stay up-to-date with the latest company news!

DSMN8 was the easy to use solution that allowed Greyp to incentivize employees to share content on social media, enabling them to access a previously untapped audience.

By helping employees become known as thought leaders, Greyp seriously increased brand awareness in a competitive space. That’s how it’s done!


Cost per Click


Earned Media Value


Return on Investment
Duje Jurenić - Greyp Bikes DSMN8 Case Study

DSMN8 enabled us to manage social media exposure across relevant platforms in a cost-efficient manner. By taking a step back and contextualizing investment in social media and marketing in terms of targeted returns and growth rates, we have been able to boost customer uptake and increase returns.

Duje JurenićChief Financial Officer

Discover DSMN8

Watch the 90 second platform tour 👇

We help brands empower employees to curate, create and share on-brand content.

Your employees gain access to a desktop and mobile application where they can effortlessly share your content across social media, messaging, email and SMS.

Boost your organic reach while keeping employees up to date with company news and industry trends.

Ready to see how you could turn your employees into motivated social influencers like Greyp?

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