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DSMN8 Influencer Workbook

So, you’ve done your research, heard the chatter, and now you want to know why there’s all this talk about employee influencers. Brilliant! It’s time to truly master Employee Influence and set the strategy for how you will organize, run, and develop your employee influencer program!

Today, DSMN8 released our Employee Influencer Workbook as a free download.

The workbook intends to assist you in building the framework and strategies for your employee influencer program to guarantee success! (Don’t worry, if you’re not quite there yet, there’s plenty in here for you, too!).

Let’s start with the basics.

What is Employee Influence?

In its purest form, Employee Influence is the promotion of an organization by one of its employees through advocacy and content creation.

What are the benefits?

1. Amplified Content Marketing

An employee influencer platform allows you to tap into your number one asset, your employees, to garner more reach and engagement on your content.

2. Maximize Social Selling

By sharing your company content, your employees are exercising their knowledge of your company to their networks, establishing themselves as industry experts in the eyes of their prospects.

3. Employer Branding Benefits

Employees are more reputable ambassadors for your brand, so having them advocating for you will get the attention of top candidates by showcasing your company culture more authentically.

4. Crowdsource Authentic Content

Creating content at scale is a challenge for organizations big and small. An Employee Influencer platform gives employees a chance to create for, feature on, and be credited on company pages. You are inundating your company with authentic content.

So, What Next?

If you’ve considered implementing an employee influencer program within your company, you might have held off, wondering whether an employee influencer program will be right for your organization.

If this sounds like you, these questions will likely seem all too familiar:

  • What kind of content do you need?
  • What is the best platform around? 
  • Who will you ask to join your program?
  • Who will oversee its day-to-day running? 
  • Can you prove the impact a program would have?

Well, fear not, as these are the questions we at DSMN8 answer on a daily basis. It’s for that reason that we put this workbook together!

Not only does this workbook offer solutions to the most frequently asked questions, but it also enables you to act on them and begin strategizing your program.

What are you waiting for? Download your free copy!

If you’d like to learn more about employee influencer marketing, check out our employee advocacy blog for more articles and resources.

We recently released The Ultimate Guide to Employee Influencers, which covers everything from trends driving the demand to the business case.


Lewis Gray

Senior Marketing Manager and Employee Advocacy Program Manager at DSMN8. Lewis specialises in content strategy, growing brand visibility and generating inbound leads. His background in Sales lends itself well to demand generation in the B2B niche.