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Introducing DSMN8's AI Content Assistant


The AI Content Assistant by DSMN8.

DSMN8’s latest feature is officially released today, 23rd May 2023, available immediately for all DSMN8 clients.


We’re excited to reveal the latest DSMN8 update, especially after all the positive feedback from our Native Video feature, released a few months back.

You asked, we answered.

Generative AI is all the rage at the moment.

Our product team has worked hard to implement AI in a way that complements your employee advocacy strategy.

We’re all about humanizing brand content, and making advocacy risk-free.

The aim here isn’t to replace your incredible content creators, but to support them!

What Is The AI Content Assistant?

The AI Content Assistant is a tool to help your Content Admins and Employee Advocacy Program Managers save time when curating content.

If you’re struggling with writer’s block, or have lots of content to curate, AI can help create post caption drafts for you.

It’s exactly how the name suggests – an assistant.

For best results, editing is key. AI doesn’t know your audience, personas, or strategy.

What the AI assistant does well is create different versions of the copy you’ve provided.

Our goal is to empower your admins to create more content for advocates to share, in less time.

It helps you scale your advocacy program efficiently by streamlining your workflow.

DSMN8 AI Content Assistant

How To Use DSMN8's AI Content Assistant

1. Head to ‘Curate Post’ in the DSMN8 platform.

2. Select the type of content you’ll be curating – link, image, video, or text.

3. Write your post caption(s). We recommend 5 captions for each post to give your colleagues a variety of content to share.

4. Click ‘Generate Alternative Version’ and the AI Content Assistant will work its magic! Your new version will be based on the previous caption you’ve written.

5. Check your caption for any errors! This step is really important. AI is not perfect!

The AI Content Assistant can also generate title variations for your articles – super handy!

AI Article Title Variations

AI Content Creation Best Practices

As mentioned above, we strongly believe that AI is a tool to help save you time, not a replacement for content creators.

Your Employee Advocacy Program Manager can’t be replaced by AI.

The content generated provides a great starting point, but it needs human editing.

The last thing you (or we!) want is for your advocates to share inaccurate or inappropriate content on social media.

That’s why we built reminders in the platform for admins to check their content before publishing (pictured below).

DSMN8 AI Content Assistant Notice

I'm a DSMN8 client, how will this affect me?

The tool is now available for all content admins using the DSMN8 platform.

Responsible use of AI is important to DSMN8. This is why we have implemented reminders for admins to check AI-generated content, and have enabled usage for content admins only.

There is no additional charge for the AI Content Assistant.

It is available in all DSMN8 pricing tiers, with no usage limitations.

We encourage you to test out the tool, and provide feedback where possible. We’d love to know your thoughts!

If you have any questions at all, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager, or email [email protected].

Want to learn more about Employee Advocacy?

We can help with that! 👋

Join our weekly webinar on Mondays at 2pm UK time.

Prefer to jump right in?

Book a demo of our all-in-one Employee Influencer platform.


Emily Neal

SEO and Content Specialist at DSMN8. Emily has 10 years experience blogging, and is a pro at Pinterest Marketing, reaching 1 million monthly views. She’s all about empowering employees to grow their personal brands and become influencers.