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everything you need to know about Twitter Blue for Business

Over the past year, Twitter has undergone a lot of changes, including the release of new features, lots of experimentation, and of course, new leadership.

2022 was a tumultuous year for the social media giant, but they’re starting 2023 off with a big announcement: Twitter Blue for Business. 👏

Here’s everything you need to know about Twitter Blue at the moment, whether it’s worth joining, and Twitter Blue for Business.


What Is Twitter Blue?

Twitter Blue is the new subscription service from Twitter that allows users to access premium features for a monthly fee.

Priced at $8/£8 per month (or $11/£11 on iOS), Twitter Blue currently offers several exclusive features for subscribers.

As of January 2023, a Twitter Blue subscription includes the coveted ‘Blue Tick’ verification, bookmark folder organization, customizable app themes and icons, reader mode, NFT profile pictures, and longer video uploads (up to 60 minutes) in 1080p HD.

It also includes ‘undo tweet’, which allows you to retract or revise a tweet before others see it (within a set time period).

Twitter Blue subscribers also get early access to new features, and it looks like a lot are set to be released in 2023.

What’s Coming Soon to Twitter Blue?

  • 50% less ads for subscribers.

  • ‘Rocket to the top of replies, mentions and search’, giving you an algorithm boost (great for content creators!).

  • Twitter Blue for Business.

Is Twitter Blue Worth It?

It truly depends on what you use Twitter for.

For everyday Twitter users, maybe not! 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you’re a content creator or social seller, finding clients and leads on Twitter might be a key part of your role. You might also use Twitter for networking with other influencers and thought leaders in your industry.

If that sounds like you, Twitter Blue features like the algorithm boost, will definitely be a worthwhile investment.

The increased visibility for verified users will help content creators build and maintain their personal brands.🙌

Heck, the verification badge alone might be worth $8 a month to you! For others, it may be better to hold off until Twitter Blue’s new features are released later this year.

Twitter Blue For Business

What is Twitter Blue For Business?

Twitter announced in December 2022 that they will be releasing ‘Twitter Blue for Business’ in 2023.

At the moment, a pilot program with a select group of companies is being tested. You can check out the Twitter Business account as an example of what it’ll look like for your business.

Features Include:

  • Square-shaped avatars, giving a different appearance in the feed.

  • Gold checkmarks. Ooh, fancy! 🏆

  • Small company logo icons next to the checkmark for employees and other affiliated individuals, to show that they are associated with the company.

Twitter Blue for Business enables a company to link any affiliated individuals to their business, essentially creating a professional network.

Not only will this provide an easy way for enterprise business employees to connect with their global colleagues, it will eliminate the risk of individuals impersonating business leaders on Twitter.

Businesses will be able to verify their employees, as well as link their main account with regional profiles, support accounts, teams, and even associated journalists.

Twitter Blue for Business pricing is currently unknown, but we expect it will depend on the number of employees a company wishes to verify.

Twitter Blue for Business

Twitter Leans Into Employee Advocacy

It seems that Twitter has taken a leaf out of LinkedIn’s book, by leaning into professional networking.

It makes sense: employee advocacy is on the rise, and LinkedIn’s growth over the past few years has been tremendous. 📈

On LinkedIn, it’s easy to find what company someone works for, making employee thought leadership content an incredibly effective form of marketing for brands.

On Twitter, it’s more difficult to see what company a professional works for, and there’s the issue of fraudulent activity.

With the new verification feature, businesses will now be able to say: “yes, that person works for us, and we endorse them”.

As employees build their personal brands, awareness and reputation of the companies they work for will increase. It’s a win-win. 🏆

Twitter Blue for Business is an exciting move for both employee influencers and marketing teams, and we can’t wait for the feature to rollout to all businesses.


Recent research from Brunswick Group revealed that “By a 4 to 1 ratio, employees prefer to work for a CEO who uses digital and social media”, and “86% of financial readers say it is important for business leaders to use social media to communicate”.

It’s more important than ever for senior leadership to be active on social media.

Consumers, prospects, recruits, and employees all want more to see more transparency and authenticity online.

Gone are the days of sharing content solely to a corporate page. 😫

Empower employees to create their own content.

After all, people trust people. 💁🏻‍♀️

It’s time to get started with employee advocacy, or risk getting left behind by your competitors.

Want to learn more about Employee Advocacy?

We can help with that! 👋

Join our weekly webinar on Mondays at 2pm UK time.

Prefer to jump right in? Book a demo of our all-in-one Employee Influencer platform.


Emily Neal

SEO and Content Specialist at DSMN8. Emily has 10 years experience blogging, and is a pro at Pinterest Marketing, reaching 1 million monthly views. She’s all about empowering employees to grow their personal brands and become influencers.