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Employee Advocacy Benchmark Study

Calling all employee advocates and program managers!

We want to hear about your experiences with employee advocacy to help shape our industry research.

The team are gearing up to create a benchmark report on employee advocacy.

If you’re actively involved in managing an employee advocacy program, or participating in your organization’s employee advocacy program…

Keep reading!

Why We’re Conducting This Research

We’re eager to gather insights from both advocates and program admins, to understand how employee advocacy programs are executed, managed, and perceived throughout organizations.

Your insights will help us discover how companies across the globe are harnessing the power of employee voices, and set essential industry benchmarks.

How To Take Part

Simply click the ‘start survey’ button below, or visit the Typeform page.

It will only take 7 minutes to complete, and all responses are entirely confidential.

You Will Receive:

  • Early access to the report findings.
  • The potential to be quoted in the report (optional)
  • The chance to win 1 of 5 $100 Amazon gift cards. Make sure to enter your email address at the end of the survey to enter.

Thank-you in advance for sharing your insights!

You’ll help set essential benchmarks for employee advocacy programs and shed light on this often overlooked opportunity.

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