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We're on it!

We'll reach out to your friend shortly and we'll keep you in the loop every step of the way! 🤝

Reminder: We are currently only working with companies with more than 500 employees registered on LinkedIn.

Here at DSMN8, we’ve been powering some of the world’s biggest employee programmes since 2016. In this time, we’ve learned many things, but most importantly, to generate an ROI, our experience shows you’ll need 👇

– Over 500 employees on Linkedin
– To invite at least 20% of employees to your program (min. 100 people)
– Dedicated weekly program resource (admin time)
– To have sufficient content volume (minimum of 2-3 pieces of content available weekly)

Based on this and to avoid wasting your time, we’re currently only working with organizations that meet the above criteria 👍