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The Best Alternative to LinkedIn Elevate DSMN8

LinkedIn Elevate is shutting down. What does this mean for Elevate users? It certainly doesn’t mean an end to your employee advocacy efforts, it simply means that it’s time to start looking for an alternative! Daunting and stressful as this may sound, we believe this to be an opportune moment for Elevate users to take their advocacy efforts to the next level!

Change is never ideal, for the time invested in something at least, but no matter how cliche it sounds, change can be a tremendous opportunity to reassess a situation, and maybe just realize what you’ve been missing…

For the unacquainted, LinkedIn Elevate is LinkedIn’s offering of employee advocacy software. For many brands, it was the go-to product, as it meant no new technology and a lack of third-party involvement.

This was especially true for enterprise organizations, as LinkedIn’s brand bore credibility, familiarity, and a good reputation. Not only did they not have to explore too many unfamiliar options, but many trust LinkedIn as a service. After all, its parent company Microsoft is one of the biggest brands in the world.

Then, in early 2020, LinkedIn announced that it was retiring the service as a standalone product. The platform was to be integrated with LinkedIn Pages, and many of its features were to be scrapped, including gamification, analytics, and scheduling. The tool’s integration with Pages means that current users will be demoted to the free version of the service that will be available to all company pages.

To Elevate’s credit, they have extended the service for an additional six months, rolling into 2021, giving marketing teams more time to assess alternatives. After all, amidst a pandemic, it’s not likely this will have been centre focus.

To make the switch as easy as possible, DSMN8 is offering a budget bridge for Elevate users. No matter how long you have left with the platform, we are offering organizations the opportunity to migrate their employee advocacy to us for free, to use and familiarise themselves with until their time with Elevate comes to an end.

No sudden switch, no stalled activity, and no additional cost.

Who are we?

DSMN8 – The All-In-One Employee Influence Platform.

What do we do?

DSMN8 is the only employee influence tool that allows your employees to create, curate and share company-approved content at scale.

At DSMN8, we believe that employee advocacy 2.0 is employee influence. Why limit your employees to just being able to share when they are capable and willing to do so much more?

Maximize your reach, generate engagement, source authentic content, showcase company culture, and so much more, all by leveraging the power of your most powerful asset – your employees.

Why DSMN8?

Elevate users will be well acquainted with employee advocacy, and our core Advocacy tool does everything you’re already relying on, but to an Elevated (😉) level. Our array of innovative and unique features is what truly separates us from the pack. Check out what people are saying about DSMN8 over on G2! Here are some key features.

Next Level Employee Advocacy

Next Level Employee Advocacy Tool

We believe that the key to employee advocacy success is authenticity. Not only should employees want to share, but the content shared should look authentic too.

That’s why we offer Leaderboards and Rewards functionalities to encourage employee participation, and an interactive feed of centralized ready-to-share content where employees can engage with colleagues via likes, comments, and tagging features.

The authenticity doesn’t stop there. Our Advocacy tool allows content curators to write multiple post captions, add alternative titles, descriptions, and multiple images. Why? Employee networks will have overlaps here and there, and content customization allows the syndication of content at scale without fear of in feed duplication that damages authenticity.

Our Desktop and Mobile solutions allow employees to locate content that is curated for them based on their location, department, and team, and the streamlined sharing process means they can share to any and all major networks in seconds.

Time is precious in any role, and taking the time to find content to share can be a drag. Along with a centralized feed of pre-approved content, we incorporate push, desktop, and email notifications so that employees are notified when new content is ready to share. They can also be notified if they or their team is tagged in the feed.

All employee advocacy programs can be fully customized to suit the brand’s image, from logos to color schemes and default sharing image.

Employee-generated content is what separates employee influencers from employee advocates.

Take your content marketing to the next level by transforming your employee advocates into micro-influencers for your business!

Measure ROI of Employee Advocacy with DSMN8

Did Somebody Say Analytics?

One of the biggest challenges marketers face when choosing employee advocacy is getting the whole thing signed off. There’s no denying that proving ROI can be tough before you’ve launched, so it helps to have a comprehensive reporting suite that allows you to breakdown your efforts and assess your program performance.

Our innovative reporting suite boasts an array of features that will allow you to track, measure, and assess the performance of your employee advocacy efforts.

Our customizable dashboard means that you’ll always be able to quickly identify metrics that matter most to you. The simple drag and drop functionality allows you to customize and arrange with ease so that you can get a feel for your numbers at a glance.

Proving ROI just got a whole lot simpler too. Our comparative cost per click tool allows you to see exactly what your activity is costing you, and the estimated paid media spend function shows you what your activity would have cost you through more traditional paid outlets.

Other noteworthy features include region and department breakdowns, a click traffic heat map to show where your content is performing, and individual employee performance metrics.

What now?

Elevate’s closure does not mean an end to employee advocacy for your company. It simply means it’s time to evaluate your options moving forward, and with our payment bridge, we want to make this as easy as possible.

Migrating your content and user base to DSMN8 now means that you’ll not only be able to familiarize yourselves with our exciting features, but the smooth transition when Elevate eventually closes means that your activity won’t be interrupted. Simply flip the switch!

Book a demo or get in contact to find out how we can take your employee advocacy to the next level!

Eager to explore employee advocacy? Download your free copy of The Ultimate Guide to Influencers to learn how to leverage the organic reach of your most powerful asset – your employees. Or check out our Reach Calculator to see how you could maximize your reach with DSMN8.


Lewis Gray

Senior Marketing Manager and Employee Advocacy Program Manager at DSMN8. Lewis specialises in content strategy, growing brand visibility and generating inbound leads. His background in Sales lends itself well to demand generation in the B2B niche.