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DSMN8 and Unit4 WIN Gartner’s Excellence in Communications Award

Oh my goodness.

We’ve only gone and done it.

If you remember.

Back in June.

We announced that we had been nominated.

For a Gartner Communications award.

For our partnership with Unit4.

Helping to turn their inactive employees into influencers on social.

We were pretty happy with that nomination.

(Stoked, if you will) 🤙

What we could have only dreamed of.

Is actually winning.


You might have guessed from the build-up.

And the image.

And the title.

But we are absolutely DELIGHTED to announce that… 🥁

DSMN8 & Unit4 WON the Gartner Communications Award for the “Excellence in Communications Technology” category 🤩

award winner gif

We are absolutely thrilled.

And we couldn’t have done it without the awesome folks at Unit4 💚

It’s because of their hard work and determination.

To truly succeed with employee influence.

That we were even able to submit a case study for consideration.

And (if they weren’t already).

You had better believe.

That Unit4 is officially on DSMN8’s Christmas card list 💌

Bad Boys for Life Gif

This year’s awards received over 400 entries from 32 countries.

And the awards spanned 7 categories.

So it’s safe to say the competition was high!

A huge congrats then to Pyaterochka 💪

Who received recognition for being the highly commended entry.

And to fellow finalists ChampionX, Citrix, Teleperformance, and Tieto Evry.

All would have made very worthy winners! 👏

You guys are freakin’ awesome.

Now, unfortunately.

Due to social distancing rules.

And with #TeamDSMN8 being based in different parts of the world.

We can’t celebrate quite how we wanted to 😕

But you better believe.

That this Friday.

We are going to have the Zoom party of our lives! 🍾

This all helps to create better awareness of the opportunity employee advocacy offers organizations.

Especially those looking to embrace the influence of their employees to drive business growth 📈

Our joint entry titled ‘Unit4 – Turning in-active employees into Social Media Influencers with DSMN8’.

Highlights the steps Unit4 has taken to ensure a successful implementation.

Along with the impact and results achieved.

We’re talking 8x ROI 💰

And over $109,378 of impact.

In just 4 months!

It really is an epic customer story. 👏

You can read all about it.

And hey.

When it comes to an employee advocacy program.

It only gets better with time!

Like a fine wine 🍷


Are you ready to do the same?

Curious to learn more about employee advocacy?

Or employee influence?

Want to get started with a program of your own?

Love it.

We can help.

Book a demo!

Prefer to speak with us first?


Schedule a call with one of the team.


Lewis Gray

Senior Marketing Manager and Employee Advocacy Program Manager at DSMN8. Lewis specialises in content strategy, growing brand visibility and generating inbound leads. His background in Sales lends itself well to demand generation in the B2B niche.