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Thought Leader Amy Robertson DSMN8

Former Red Hat and ChannelAdvisor senior executive, and current Spreedly VP of HR, Amy Robertson, recently joined DSMN8 as a board advisor.

Amy brings a wealth of knowledge to the DSMN8 team. With over 25 years of experience working with global brands, as well as being the Founder & CEO of Soul Advantage LLC, Amy has truly established herself as an industry expert and thought leader.

For the press release that announced Amy would be joining DSMN8’s advisory board, co-founder & CEO Bradley Keenan had this to say:

“We are thrilled to welcome Amy to our advisory board,” said Bradley Keenan, CEO, and co-founder of DSMN8. “Amy is an experienced and accomplished leader in the human resources space and understands the opportunities for employee influence which DSMN8’s solutions support. DSMN8 will greatly benefit from Amy’s experience and operational know-how in scaling our market-leading platform.”

Shortly after her arrival, we took some time out with her to sit and chat about all things employee influencers, advocacy, and employer branding. Amy showed some insight into what she believes the future of employee influence looks like, along with some tips on how you can make your program a success.

Here’s a summary of what she had to say.

1. In the next few years, what do you think the future of employee influencers will look like?

A: “From an employer branding perspective, we will experience the most authentic employee influencers sharing increasingly personal stories about themselves and how the workplace supports them to be successful. I believe today’s workforce wants to commit soulfully to their employers, and in order to do that, you must have trust. I see the best workplaces creating this blanket of trust.

So I believe you will see individuals attributing their lifestyle and personal achievements to the ecosystem supporting them – their coworkers, their managers, and the mission of the company.”

2. What are the most important things you have to keep in mind in order to be successful with employee influencers?

A: “Employee influencers must be natural leaders and well respected within the organization. This doesn’t mean they have the loudest voice or most prominent personality. But they are the people who consistently set the best examples for company norms and values, especially when they think no one is looking. When these people speak, others tend to listen carefully.”

3. What should you focus on when selling an employee influencer program to your executive team? What are some things that might resonate with a CEO, CFO, or Sales?

A: “From an employer branding perspective, being able to illustrate the headcount capacity savings is essential – these are real budget numbers.

There’s often a duplication of effort between the People team and the Marketing team when it comes to curating content for talent attraction and retention. For example, each team may hire local professional photographers or have an extremely manual process for reviewing and approving social media content.

Quantifying these savings or future cost avoidance is a must to getting the attention of a CEO or CFO.”

Amy had this to say when we announced that she would be joining DSMN8’s board of advisors:

“I’m amazingly excited about this opportunity to work with the DSMN8 team. I am passionate about brand storytelling and the authenticity of the message delivered through employees, customers, and social media. I believe in DSMN8’s solutions and the gaps they fill in today’s workforce.” 

This post is an excerpt from The Ultimate Guide to Employee Influencers by DSMN8. The Guide intends to serve as the definitive companion for anyone looking to explore the power of employee influence for their organization, covering everything from trends driving the demand for employee influencers, to an all-encompassing business case. It also includes industry leader insights, infographics, and checklists for success. Download your copy today (it’s free!).

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Lewis Gray

Senior Marketing Manager and Employee Advocacy Program Manager at DSMN8. Lewis specialises in content strategy, growing brand visibility and generating inbound leads. His background in Sales lends itself well to demand generation in the B2B niche.