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DSMN8 Boost Post

“DSMN8 Announces the Return of Organic Social” 😱

Just kidding.

Although we’re so excited about our latest feature release.

That I nearly went with that.

What am I referring to?

Well, if you know us.

You’ll know that we’re passionate about all things employee influence 💫

We know (and help companies realise)

That when employees share your content.


They can reach and engage a much wider audience 🤩

The logic?

Employees have a combined network size that’s typically 20-30x larger than their employer’s LinkedIn follower count.

And, as a more trusted source of information.

They’re more likely to generate engagement.

92% more likely, in fact 📈


Social media algorithms.

(especially LinkedIn).

Don’t prioritise posts from company pages.

So, no brainer.

Get your employees to share > Get your content seen by more people 💪

But what if there’s more to it than that?

Does employee influence really stop there?

After all, what about your company page?

And the posts from that account?

Don’t they deserve a fighting chance?

Don’t those posts still deserve some love? 💖

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Everyone in between.

I (we) can proudly announce the arrival of “Boost Post” from DSMN8 🙌

The launch of Boost Post means that you can now incentivize your workforce to both share and like your company posts.


That’s right.

We’re taking employee influence to the moon 🚀

Not only can employees share your posts in seconds.

But you can now use the same methods of gamification to get them to engage with them too!

The result?

More likes on your company posts.

More chance of those posts getting seen by your followers.

(‘coz algorithms)

And more chance of generating clicks and conversions from organic social.

Who said organic social was dead? 🙅‍♂️

It’s not just company posts either.

Has your CEO put out a post recently that could do with a “boost”?

No problemo.

Anyone with permission can request a boost on any post.

Check it out 👇

Here, our CEO, Bradley.

Chose to welcome new joiner Sophie by requesting a boost on her “welcome” post.

As a result, the post quickly accumulated likes from the whole team.

And a number left comments to personally welcome her to the team 🙌

The post was then seen by even more people.

And quickly accumulated likes and comments from our combined networks!

dsmn8 boost post screenshot

What’s more?

With our integrations.

You can push the content to employees where 👏 they 👏 are 👏

Boost Post integrates with both Slack and Microsoft Teams.

With more integrations in the works! ⏳

But let’s take Slack, for example.

Personally, I spend every day in Slack.

It’s absolutely vital for my day-to-day comms.

And that goes for everyone in #TeamDSMN8.

So, naturally.

When I wanted as many people as possible to see a recent job opening.

I requested a Boost on the post that announced the vacancy 🚀

I sent that request to one of our busiest Slack channels.

And, sure enough, in minutes…

It had accumulated over 20 reactions on LinkedIn.

It wasn’t relevant to every member of the team.

But our company culture is such that everyone is willing to support our posts 💫

Even if they don’t want to share it.

I boosted it.

They saw it.

Clicked one button.

And boom 💥

Take THAT, algorithms.

DSMN8 Boost Post Slack Integration

But why though?

Don’t we believe in employee advocacy?

Oh, big time.

But we don’t think the buck should stop there 🔥

We’re not so naïve that we think every employee will want to share content with their networks.

Sure, there are ways to get them to share.

Incentivization, communication of the benefits, etc.

But what we’ve found is this…

If people really aren’t likely to share.

They are still likely to engage.

Take our team of developers, for example 👩‍💻

Their networks, naturally, are full of professionals in their field.

More developers! 🙋‍♀️

So it doesn’t always feel right for them to share our more marketing-focused content.

Because it won’t resonate with their networks.

What they’re always willing to do, however.

Is engage with our content in the form of likes, reactions, or comments.

Thus supporting our posts and gently pushing the content out to their networks 🕺

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The numbers.

Of course.

We couldn’t just rely on a hunch that this would work 😉

We decided to offer the feature to a handful of our clients.

The results?

Since trialling this feature.

We’ve seen clients increase the reach of their company posts by a minimum of 20%.

And we’ve seen it as high as 2,850%! 🤯

If you think this sounds too good to be true.

(Because you’re looking at a SaaS company website and see numbers thrown around all the time)

Then I invite you to try it out for yourself.

Ready to get started with employee advocacy?

Book a demo!

Prefer to speak with us first?

No problem.

Schedule a call with one of the team.

Integrate “Boost Post” with:

Slack Integration | DSMN8
MS Teams Logo

Lewis Gray

Senior Marketing Manager and Employee Advocacy Program Manager at DSMN8. Lewis specialises in content strategy, growing brand visibility and generating inbound leads. His background in Sales lends itself well to demand generation in the B2B niche.