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Introducing DSMN8's newsletter feature. Level up internal comms with shareable social content.

Very exciting news from Team DSMN8: we’re proud to announce that our Newsletter feature is officially live! 🥳

You asked, we answered.

This new tool really is a game-changer for keeping employees informed and encouraging them to share content.

A huge well done to our product team, and a massive thank-you to the clients who helped test out this new feature.

In this article, I’ll share the ins and outs of the new DSMN8 Newsletter Feature, and how it helps engage employees in your advocacy program.

I’ll also go through the ways to customize your newsletters, how to create dynamic lists to target specific user groups, and provide tips on making internal newsletters engaging.

Let’s go! 👇

DSMN8's Employee Advocacy Newsletter Tool

The Newsletters feature makes it easy for program leaders, team leaders and admins in DSMN8 to send custom email newsletters to all or specific users.

This gives you the ability to communicate with your advocates in a more direct way.

Your newsletters can provide key content to share, make announcements, or simply encourage users to log in. The choice is yours – they’re completely customizable!

How to Customize Newsletters in DSMN8

Creating and sending employee newsletters in DSMN8 is incredibly easy.

The feature has an intuitive design, enabling you to craft a newsletter that matches your branding, and find all the elements you need.

Elements you can add to your newsletters:

  • Text: Type anywhere in the email body to add text. You can adjust the formatting and headings using the bar at the top.
  • Name Variables: From the person icon in the top right, you are able to add “First Name”, “Last Name” and “Full Name” variables to your emails.
  • Headers: This is a banner image at the top of your email.
  • Footers: This is a footer banner image.
  • Images: Add any images to your email to help with your messaging and make your content more engaging.
  • Posts: Add a DSMN8 post directly into your email. Once selecting the post, the image preview title and text will automatically be populated. Employees can then like or share the content from your email.
  • Boost Posts: If your company uses boost posts, you are also able to add these to your content. For example, if your CEO has shared an important update on LinkedIn, you could add this to your email. As with DSMN8 posts, employees can like and share from the email.
  • Button: Create a custom button to direct users to log in, or any other action you may wish to encourage.

Sending Newsletters in DSMN8

Once you have crafted your newsletter and previewed it to make sure you’re happy with how everything looks, you can press continue.

From here, you can define the sending details, including sender name and subject (with optional variables, e.g. Hey, First Name 👋)

Next, choose which teams, custom distribution lists, or dynamic lists you would like to send the email to. (Find out how dynamic lists work below!)

You can then click ‘Preview Audience’ to double check which users the newsletter will be sent to. Sending a test email to yourself or another user is also possible.

The last step is choosing whether to schedule your newsletter, or send it immediately.

How Dynamic Lists Work

With DSMN8’s Dynamic Lists, you can send targeted communications to any of the following groups:

  • Users who have never shared from the platform.
  • Users who have not shared in the last 5 days.
  • Users who have not shared in the last 15 days.
  • Users who have not shared in the last 30 days.
  • Users who have not shared in the last 6 months.

These lists are automatically updated, so the users in each list will change over time.

Alongside the preset options listed above, admins can use lists to send emails to all other platform admins or all newsletter team leaders.

You can also create your own distribution lists from existing teams, such as by region, department, or seniority.

These features make managing your employee advocacy communications easy and efficient.

And you don’t have to use it solely to promote your shareable content. Our own Tech Team uses DSMN8’s Newsletter functionality to share product updates 🙌

Ready to explore the full platform? Book a Demo

Newsletter Templates Library

From the Newsletters page, admins can view drafts, sent newsletters, and create email templates for themselves or other admins to use.

Header and Footer banner images can also be saved as templates.

This is a great time-saver when you’re following a consistent structure or creating different variations for different departments to use.

Newsletter Email Analytics

As a marketer, one of my favorite parts of the newsletter feature is the analytics.

Admins can see standard email newsletter metrics including estimated audience, total delivered, and open rate percentage.

But here’s where it gets really interesting 👀

When you include DSMN8 posts in your newsletters, you’re able to see analytics from the content featured:

  • Shares
  • Boost post likes
  • Boost post shares

This reveals which content is resonating with your team, and the impact your newsletters are having on your employee advocacy program results.

And that’s not all.

Admins can see the same metrics for content not included in the newsletter itself. This tracks the shares and likes on other content in the DSMN8 platform when an employee clicks through from the newsletter.

10 Ways To Make Internal Newsletters More Engaging for Employees

Newsletters are an excellent way to keep employees informed on the latest company news and ensure that key updates aren’t loss amongst a sea of notifications.

Add employee advocacy into the mix, and your internal comms emails naturally become more engaging, with shareable and boostable content directly in your newsletters 👏

But what else can we do to make sure these emails are engaging your team?

Here are 10 ways to make company emails more interesting and clickable:


Has your CEO been quoted in an article, or have you received positive press coverage recently?

Share it with your advocates. Not only does this make for great third-party shareable content, but it helps keep your team in the loop about press features.

Launching a new leaderboard or offering new rewards?

Let advocates know in your newsletter. This encourages employees to click through into the platform and share fresh content.

Pets will always spark joy! 🐶

Ask your advocates to share pictures of their pets, and choose one to feature in each newsletter.

Segment your audience.

Creating different newsletters for different regions, teams or interests makes the content more personal and relevant for every employee.

Feature an employee advocate in each newsletter.

Showcase an interesting post they created recently or celebrate their results. This helps build a community around your program. Use your company leaderboard to find top performers quickly, but if you consistently have the same leaders, make sure you’re not highlighting the same people all the time!

Share exciting news from the people in your team.

For example, weddings, engagements, births, charity events, or professional certifications. Sharing positive news from team members helps build a great company culture and community.

Maintain a regular cadence so employees know when to expect your newsletter.

This could be monthly, or 1-2x per quarter: frequent enough to cover the latest news, but not too often to overwhelm their inboxes.

Create a funny or interesting subject line.

Naming it ‘Advocacy Program Newsletter’ won’t make it stand out in their inbox. Don’t be afraid to use emojis: it should be fun, it’s not a financial report!

Send emails from a person, not a generic company email address.

Employees are much more likely to open an email from the Head of Marketing or the CEO than an impersonal email address.

Ask for feedback!

Create a poll in DSMN8 and ask employees to vote in your email. This helps you create the content employees want to share, while ensuring they feel included in your program management.

Additional Resources

Visit the Knowledge Base to find out more about the Newsletter Feature.

Learn more about engaging employee advocates in our user adoption playbook, or discover more DSMN8 platform features 👇

Ready to get started with employee advocacy?

Schedule a call with one of the team.

Prefer to cut to the chase and explore the platform?

Roger that!

Book a demo of DSMN8, the #1 Employee Advocacy Platform.


Emily Neal

SEO and Content Specialist at DSMN8. Emily has 10 years experience blogging, and is a pro at Pinterest Marketing, reaching 1 million monthly views. She’s all about empowering employees to grow their personal brands and become influencers.

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